Σάββατο 12 Μαρτίου 2011

Game Tips

For our new but also the old game server players, we will announce to all of you, few ways / tips to enjoy more the game in LII HR.

  • Collect Coins means that you are able to use them for various cervices like: 
    Become a Noblesse, buying Quest Items to challenge an Epic Grand Boss, or buying Epic Jewels and Blessed Scrolls of Enchant by using the "secrete location - Npc" Prometheus - the Stiff Dealer (to meet this Npc, you have to meet first, his "brother" Npc - Katekeeper in Aden Town, next to Monuments of Heroes / Front of Weapons Shop, the huge sculpture called: "Prometheus the Cursed").
    a. Example image (click this link to see the image!)    b. Example image

    • You are able to "add" Clan Reputation Points by using Npc "Xenya - Reputation Manager" (Next to Prometheus the Stiff Dealer" - secret location Epics Trader) the item that required to reached / add by her 10.000 Clan Reputation Points at ones, is Mark of Valor(s) (for more informations, just meet her). Example image
      • Also you can buy our Custom Item, Wings [(Accessory) /texture visible item] form the Custom Npc "Daedalus" of Giran Town. The Wings (Accessories) are 11 of various designs for everyones taste and their status are the minimum possibly, so not unbalance the gaming.  Example image
      • Castle Owner and his / her Clan Members have a new custom item add on! Our "Custom Castle Cloak" with extra abilities of Power Defense and also Magic Defense: [+22%] both! These abilities are exactly the same for each Castle Cloak! 

             To take a look into the status of these Castle Cloaks, hit this link: Cloaks description
      • Our players are able to contact with us by using the mail service of Lineage II "in game mail" to -> character called: "Email2Admin7". Example image
       LII HellRaiser Team

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